
Friday, September 21, 2012

on it being hard

a friend, with 4 kids, was having a conversation with another lady.
the lady asked if having 4 was hard.
my friend answered yes.
the other lady said "you are the first person to be honest with me."
i've had the same conversation with the same lady.
i told her 5 kids wasn't hard.
i'm sure she thought i was pretending to be all super mom-ish.
but i wasn't.
that is true for me.
she didn't ask me about having a 4th baby.
she would've gotten a completely different response!

anyways, those conversations got me to thinking.

having my 1st baby was easy.
having a 2nd baby was easy. 
then we moved to a new city when he was 6 months old.  that was hard.
having a 3rd baby was hard.
i had a newborn, a 2 and 3 year old and a husband that worked all.the.time.
having the 4th baby was beyond hard.
i had a newborn that wanted to be held most of the day, a sweet 18 month old, a wild 3 year old, a wild 4 year old and a husband that still worked all.the.time.
it stayed hard until the baby was about 2 years old.
that was a hard 3.5 long years.

it had started getting easier - bronson was 4 and connor was 2.5 here.

but, adding a 5th baby has been easy.
easy peasy to be exact.

my big boys were 7, 8, 10 and 11 years old when bo christian was born. 
when i was on bed rest, the boys could mostly take care of themselves.
when the baby was born my husband took 6 weeks off of work.
and my boys help me with the baby a lot.
my husband is home more now than ever.
and i have some great friends too.

bauer 7, caden 6, bronson 4, connor had just turned 3
 what i have decided is that there is not a number of children when it all the sudden gets hard.  I think it depends on lots of different things - like how much help you have, your mental and emotional state, the personality of the baby, how independent your other children are, the other responsibilities that you have, and the list could go on and on and on...

Thursday, September 20, 2012


see this cool kid...
well, i need help.
it seems i yell too much at football games and something about embarrassing.
i can only remember one thing from last year.
when a play would start, if he didn't have his mouth piece in, from the stands i might have yelled
my obedient child always put his mouthpiece in immediately.
and some people might have made comments to him.
so this year, i told him i would come up with an alias to call him.
then only he would know i was yelling for him.
he gave me a look.
i'm still not sure what it meant.
this is where i need some help.
i will see a game for the first time this weekend.
any ideas?

Wednesday, September 19, 2012

i-pod war

guess who won the i-pod war:
no, we do not encourage our babies to watch tv.
husband was trying to work while laying in bed.  bo christian decided to 'help' husband.  one thing led to another and we had barney.  the baby stayed still for just a few minutes to watch that purple dinosaur.
and we decided that we are total push-overs with the 5th baby.

Tuesday, September 18, 2012


or just plain stupid?
maybe it was the mother that was stupid.
after all, she did encourage one more jump so she could take a picture.

Monday, September 17, 2012


these are conversations that i've heard lately.
they may or may not have taken place in our home.

a mom:  did you brush your teeth?
not wanting to lie, the boy doesn't answer.
mom:  when was the last time you brushed your teeth?
the boy:  sunday.
mom:  that was 3 days ago!!??!!
boy:  i can't find my toothbrush.
mom:  have you asked anyone if they've seen it?
boy:  no, you never told me to do that.
a dad was needing help moving some big things.
his helper was, well, not helping.
a frustrated dad yells:  what the hell are you doing?
the helper matching his daddy's tone:  are you cussing at me?
dad:  yes i am!
the brave helper not backing down:  well you can't do that.
the dad mumbles:  guess i just did.