
Tuesday, January 14, 2014


my head is bursting right now!
in the best way possible.
we've been going to a 'mission' at church.
Father Paul Nicholson has been speaking.
my notes from last night...

there is a difference between forgiveness and reconciliation.
God calls us to forgive.
you can forgive without reconciling with the person.

but, we all know forgiveness is much more than just uttering sorry.
how to really forgive.
how to really see Jesus in that other person.
how to love your enemies.
that is all hard stuff.

when Jesus was on the cross He said,
"Father, forgive them, they know not what they do."
Luke 23:34

Jesus outsourced the forgiveness to God.
we can do the same thing.

when we are having trouble forgiving someone,
we can outsource the forgiveness to God.
oh, wow.
every single time we think of being wronged all we have to say is:
Father, forgive (insert their name) for he/she doesn't know what they are doing.

God will soften our hearts and the forgiveness will come.
the outsourcing, that was the missing link for me.
a rare moment that needed to be captured.  no need for forgiveness here.

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